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Item Name:
Cantenna for WiFi
Claimed Gain:
around 10 dBi
Actual Gain:
6.6 dBi
Test Comments:
Cantennas became a huge hit because of simple construction and easy for a home user to make them. They are a big boost to the typical rubber finger antenna on many devices, providing 3x the power in a wanted direction. However many people decided to make them for resale and started claiming gain figures all over the place.


Item Name:
Cantenna Yagi for WiFi
Claimed Gain:
14.3 dBi
Actual Gain:
14.6 dBi
Test Comments:
Cantennas became a huge hit because of simple construction and easy for a home user to make them. The simplicity is also limiting performance to around 7dBi. This cantenna is actually a Yagi in a can. A yagi works by taking that pin radiator such as in a normal cantenna and putting a bunch of parasitic elements in front of it precisely spaced that propel and direct the signal forward. This "cantenna" shows 3x more forward power than the normal cantenna. These are not easy to make at home.